01 June 2007

Portraits: Madeline

Baby girls. What more can I say? They are just the most fun thing on the planet to photograph! All the little baby clothes to change into and out of, the shoes, the accessories... it's all fun! And today was no exception when eight month old Madeline came in for her portraits. She arrived asleep (which was a great photo-opp!) but Mom soon woke her up ever so pleasantly to start our session.

Madline had tons of fun with the little ducks (like so many kids do!) and even brought some toys of her own to add to the pictures. My absolute favorite outfit that she wore was her super-stylin' bathing suit! What a little cutie this girl is.


Anonymous said...

The pictures are absolutely adorable, But..then I am a little prejudiced I am her aunt. Great work Corinne. Way To Go on your first modeling job Madeline! Love, Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Great photography, perfect baby.